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About e365.earth

Giving Back By Being There, GB3T has been my way of being for nearly two-and-a-half decades – even prior to my becoming a Banker by trade.  Realizing that no one moves forward unless enough of us give back, GB3T allows us to, both individually and collectively, contribute socially, economically and deliberately to every location we spend time in.  Whether contributing directly by engaging travel related services, monetarily supporting National Park programs, Heritage Foundations and the like, or contributing tangentially by raising awareness about unique experiences which define a Destination, every little bit helps the endeavor.

Experiencing a Destination or activity by actually being there has no virtual substitute.  GB3T is in itself primarily embodies the altruistic and heuristic aspects of the experience, versus the hedonistic…  although it is admittedly hard to ignore that there is an element of the latter, especially in thrilling activities like cramponing, snorkeling, kayaking and so on.  However, as my photographs will corroborate – at the end of the day, my ultimate objectives are the sensational views and experiences that these activities offer, and that’s what I’m after.

Photographic Images on APS Roll Film

Kodak Advantix

Every photograph featured on any page of this site was imaged with a simplistic point-and-shoot Kodak C700 Advantix camera, using APS (Advantix) roll film which has not been manufactured for more than a decade – and likely never will.  The only usable film one can now find anywhere would have had to be refrigerated shortly after production 15-20 years ago.  Storing it unrefrigerated renders it unusable after a while.  When digital cameras began flooding the market, APS cameras immediately fell out of favor.  I picked up several of the Kodak C700 series on an online auction site for $0.99 each, and began referring to my cameras as my 99¢ wonders.  And then one day, yours truly happened upon a listing with a $0.01 opening bid.  Yes, one US cent (plus S&H).  I entered that bid… and couldn’t believe no one else did, and it indeed turned out to be the winning bid shown below.  From the day that the 1¢ camera was delivered to me, I renamed this trusty workhorse “my one cent wonder”.   I still continue to use APS film at this time, and both I and the lab professionals who process the film are simply amazed as to what stunning detail and vibrant colors I can capture even today using film which has remained frozen for more than 15 years.  Note that as the C700 camera is a no-frills basic point-and-shoot model (see the product listing below), no filters or other lenses can be used to enhance the images – because of which the way the photos turn out is pretty much the way the scene looks in real life.  True-to-life.  To produce digital images, the film is chemically processed and then scanned to create the digital files uploaded across this site.


To commemorate the 52nd observation of Earth Day, as we cautiously and expectantly emerge from veritable hibernation having being cocooned away from the rest of the Earth, stymied by more than two years of disruption from the Coronavirus, we pay homage to those around the world who have got us through the darkest days of the last 24 months – and continue to do so every day selflessly by risking their own lives simply so that they can save another’s.  We must appreciate the Healthcare workers without whom so many more of us would not be here to tell the tale, and the brilliance of the Researchers and Scientists who worked tirelessly with unprecedented speed and acumen to develop a myriad of practical and effective vaccines.  However, at the end of the day, we must recognize that each of us in every corner of the world has shown that collectively, as a species, the human race has, can, and will overcome.  To them and us all, and in memory of those who have passed on, we dedicate this Composition – “Victoriam”, with the Sun, Stars and Spiral Galaxies rallying around our planet as we launch our syringe rockets to take out the red scourge, for which benediction the continents express our thanks in many languages.